
The latest released version is 4.11.2.

Latest release

Platform Archive
All (source code release) ccache-4.11.2.tar.gz (signature)
ccache-4.11.2.tar.xz (signature)
Darwin (macOS) universal binary release ccache-4.11.2-darwin.tar.gz (signature)
Linux x86_64 binary release ccache-4.11.2-linux-x86_64.tar.xz (signature)
Windows i686 binary release
Note: B-level support (signature)
Windows x86_64 binary release
Note: B-level support (signature)

See also the ccache 4.11.2 release notes.


You can also find older releases on the releases page on GitHub.

The release archives are signed with Joel Rosdahl's OpenPGP key (fingerprint: 5A93 9A71 A467 92CF 5786 6A51 996D DA07 5594 ADB8). To verify the integrity of a source archive, install the key, download the archive and the corresponding OpenPGP signature file and run gpg --verify file.asc.

Note that the releases above only are meant to be used when installing ccache. If you want to develop ccache, fix bugs, etc, you should get the full source code from the repository instead.

Other package sources

Repository URL
Chocolatey (“The Package Manager for Windows”) ccache Chocolatey package
Note: B-level support

You can also have a look at the ccache page on Repology to see if your favorite OS or package source has a prebuilt ccache package.